Carrie Jones, LPC
LifeVision Counseling, LLC
What About You Is Not You?
Something has been feeling off. You’ve been feeling anxious, depressed, overwhelmed at your toxic job, and can’t figure out why you’re so stressed in your relationship.
You’ve been shrinking yourself into a box – trying to do what you think you “should” and following all the rules of what society has said you are “supposed to” do. You just feel stuck!
You’ve been feeling “not good enough” (shame) and unworthiness for too long. You have somehow put aside who you really are and what you really want.
You’re exhausted from running on a never-ending wheel and reaching for things that you know probably won’t even make you happy. And you know something has got to change!
Raising Your Emotional Vibration
The first step in the process is raising your own vibration. We start by increasing self-care.
Think about it…when was the last time you did something simply because it brings you joy, peace, or happiness? Have you been doing things for others but not yourself? Have you been telling yourself that you just don’t have time? If you’re going to begin this journey of changing your life, you’ll need to fuel yourself with self-care daily.
Self-care doesn’t have to be big, or expensive, or take all day. It’s finding the things that align with you and help improve your mood. Not sure where to start? Think about the things you naturally enjoyed doing as a kid. Reading a book, playing outside, going swimming, daydreaming, talking with a friend might be good examples.
In this context, self-care does not include things we think we “should be” doing. If you don’t like going to the gym, but feel like you’re “supposed to go,” then you might or might not decide to go, but we don’t include it in the self-care bucket. If you love going to the gym because the new class there is super fun, then we do include it in the self-care bucket. We only include the things that bring us joy, fun, and excitement.
Release What Has Been Keeping You Stuck
Let’s look back and heal the wounds of the past. Our experiences have shaped us all in some way.
Over your life, you picked up programmed beliefs from people around you and assumed that was the “right” way to do things. Your painful and traumatic experiences also led you to pick up programmed beliefs and actions in the hope that they might keep you safe in the future.
And all those programmed beliefs and behaviors served you well…for a while. You’re grateful for them. But, now you’re finding that they are holding you back and are no longer serving you like they used to. The good news is, if you picked those programmed beliefs up, then you can also set them down. You can create new beliefs that are more in alignment with who you really are.
It’s time to find and heal the root. I’m here to help you figure out how to comfort your younger self, appreciate who you are now, learn to trust yourself, and decide which old beliefs you are ready to shift or release. It takes some practice and some faith in the process, but you CAN do it.
Get to Your Authentic Self
After healing the past and shedding layers, you finally get to begin to live as your most authentic self.
You get the chance to explore what’s most important to you:
What type of person are you? What are YOUR values? What feels most in alignment with you? What emotions do you want to embody most frequently? What do you need to do to keep your vibe high? How do you maintain focus on your true self? How does holding a high vibration help people around you?
Then, it’s design time! You get to decide what YOU really want to do with this life of yours.
What does your ideal life look like? Who would you want to spend time with? What would you do each day? When would you like to do those things? Where would you go? How would you give back? Who could you help?
How Do We Do This?
When serving as your therapist, it is my priority to inspire you to discover what is authentically you, the values you hold, and how you want to create your life.
I am here to support you as you learn the skills of letting go of what you don’t want and attracting what you DO want.
I use a variety of approaches to help my clients shift. Every client is unique and I adjust my approach based on what works best for each person. I believe in using intuition to pull from a variety of evidence-based therapy models. I, generally, start with a person-centered approach and add in aspects of cognitive behavioral therapy and solution-focused brief therapy. But, don’t be surprised if I intentionally bring in techniques from other models as well!
One of the first things we do is get you started using lots of daily self-care tools, emotional check-ins, self-compassion, and mindfulness to help you start feeling better quickly and give you the fuel to take the journey. Neuroscience research reveals that people who practice these techniques are happier, more resilient, and better equipped to heal from the past. (By the way, if you skip this step, you’re probably not going to like me very much!)
Then, together, we will walk through the journey of healing the root, releasing your grip on what no longer serves you, maintaining focus on what you do want, and taking some new and exciting leaps forward.
Relax, get comfy, jump online, and let’s get started! You’ve got this!
“Dare to live the life you have dreamed for yourself. Go forward and make your dreams come true.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson
About Carrie
A Little Bit About Me…
I’m Carrie, and I’m so glad you’re here!
I’m a therapist, daughter, sister, wife, stepmom, and friend among many other things. I’m also on this exciting journey of life…learning, growing, and enjoying this opportunity!
As someone who has experienced profound transformations and beautiful shifts several times in life, I understand how limiting patterns, thoughts, and beliefs can try to hold us back. I know how these show up as feelings of being stuck, fear of change, challenges in relationships, and disconnection from yourself. It impacts the ability to live authentically, trust yourself, and experience lasting happiness.
But, I also know how to shift to a life more beautiful than you ever thought possible!
My purpose work is to connect with an open heart to facilitate deep and lasting transformational healing for each and every client. You have the ability to heal and grow and I’m here to walk with you through that journey.
Together, we’ll discover programmed beliefs and limiting thoughts that have been holding you back. When we heal the root and create shifts, you can grow to your highest version of yourself and manifest the life meant for you!
In My Free Time…
I enjoy spending time with family. Family is SUPER important to me and I am grateful to live close and hang out often.
I LOVE cats (ok, ALL animals)! My cat, Penny, often joins me for counseling sessions.
I love reading, learning, and having deep and meaningful conversations.
Searching for junk, antiques, and vintage farmhouse items is my jam. And so is renovating houses!
If it’s warm outside, you will probably find me near water. Being in nature and near water are my happy places. That’s where I find peace and clearing. I love the pool, ocean, river, and lake! A day at the beach renews me entirely! Sunshine and water is where I will be.
Education & Credentials:
- License # (Virginia): 0701004677
- License # (Michigan): 6401224812
- Practicing Since: 2009
- Education: Bachelor of Science in Psychology – Virginia Commonwealth University;
Master of Rehabilitation Counseling – Medical College of Virginia – Virginia Commonwealth University; Master of Business Administration – Western Governor’s University